After nine years as the men’s basketball team’s head coach and an admissions counselor, Marcess Williams has moved on to the next chapter in his life. Williams was hired as a full-time men’s basketball coach at Clarion University.
“The opportunity to step in as head coach at Clarion came very late in the summer,” said Williams. “Their head coach retired after 26 years and out of about 300 candidates I was chosen.”
Williams calls his departure from Beaver a bittersweet moment because he recognizes the great opportunity but also realizes what he is leaving behind. “I really love the guys on our team and I think they are going to be really good this season,” said Williams. “It was really tough telling them that I was no longer going to be their coach.”
“We were all really happy for him,” said junior Rob Agurs. “Being one of the older guys, I knew exactly what this opportunity meant for Coach Williams.”
Not only has Penn State Beaver lost a head coach but it has also lost a crucial part of its admissions staff. “Any time somebody has that much history, experience and knowledge, it’s a tough loss,” said Director of Enrollment Daniel Pinchot. “You can find someone who can go out and recruit, but you can’t replace the other things that Marcess did.” Pinchot said he believes that the dedication and care that Williams gave to students, ranging from adult learners to at-risk students, was an invaluable attribute.
“Marcess contributed greatly to retention and helping students with financial or academic problems,” said Pinchot. “Somebody walking in can’t replace that and that’s where we are going to feel it.”
“I’m really going to miss the relationships,” said Williams. “Not only with my boys, but with my co-workers, students and everyone that I have met here.”
The search has yet to start for an admissions counselor, but the Athletics Department has asked assistant coach Tim Kubis, who has been with the team for three years and was a starter for the team when he played, to step into the head coach position. “I wanted to make sure that Coach Kubis was left with a great team, and I think he has that,” said Williams.
Athletic Director Andy Kirschner said he believes choosing Kubis will make the transition smooth, especially so close to the season. “We believe Kubis will bring consistency. He’s coached and played under Marcess, so he knows that style of play.”
Williams said he will cherish the many years he’s spent at Beaver. “The things I have learned here and the friends I have made … those are things that will continue to be with me for the rest of my life.”